Instagram @PamelaRubyRussell
YOU TUBE URL: < https://youtu.be/LQnTq-qnCck>Song > Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP) & Martin Sutton
Recent Song Release - Available Now At All Online Music Venues !!
LOVE'S CALLING has been receiving international airplay ever since its release. At last, with the kind expertise of Mario Gil's remastering, this song's left the nest to fly. Available on Spotify and all other platforms. Thank you.
©℗ Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP) & Richard Viard (SACEM)
How did TENGO RAZÓN come about? Years ago I spent time in Mexico. I read Tarot cards in a bakery for pesos. The sun and sea helped me heal my heart from past tragedy while beautiful music filled the air. A Mexican waltz can chase away any blues!! ©℗ PR Russell (ASCAP)
YOUTUBE URL: < https://youtu.be/Mnq8MPUruWI > SPACE AND TIME There's a good story to this. I've recently done a remix of this song featuring the brilliant violinist, Annemarie Wiesner from Switzerland via Brooklyn, NY!! It will be on my new EP coming soon! Many more new songs on the way! This originally released version is available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and more! Please share and add it to your playlists. Thank!
©℗ Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP) & Mario Gil, HIT and RUN MUSIC, INC.
YOUTUBE URL: < https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lS2RKEnDzl5XkhmStgTFCY61XzXJCZeG4 > HIGHWAY OF DREAMS The 10 Song Album, for your enjoyment. Please see SHOP for complete song titles and run times. Available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and more! Please share and add it to your playlists. Thank you!
©℗ Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP)
YOUTUBE URL: < https://youtu.be/05zbFD4Cfg4 > In the late '90's while active in the international songwriters' group JP Folks, I organized a showcase in Boston. With hard work we had 25 great performers at a local venue, well-known acts alongside "unknowns," all equal & respected in each other's eyes. I later rerecorded this song for my HIGHWAY DREAMS album. That's me on vocals, Steve Terry-Classical guitar, Binney Stone-Acoustic & Paul Sedgewick-Didgjeridu. Enjoy!
©℗ Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP)
Hello! Housekeeping first. Lots of reading here.
Okay! My songs are available for sales at: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Soundcloud, YouTube and all other worldwide online music sales venues. My photographs are all over this website! And for you "music heavies" who happen to find me, I am beginning to use DISCO.ac for those awesome song licensing and sync placement opportunities I am yearning for.
Meanwhile, enjoy my Blog and verbose writings here on this site. Just remember, as I share with you two of my most beloved mantras... "She meant well" and "There are no strangers!!"
To introduce yourself to my music, please take a listen to my "HIGHWAY OF DREAMS" the album, with 10 songs from my heart to yours. I hope you find them as special as I did when I was creating them!! Musicians from 9 different countries have contributed their hearts and souls to this album. Co-produced by Peter Calo, musical director and guitarist for Carly Simon and other equally brilliant and creative artists, the musicality and perfection of recording still blows my mind. Thank you Bob Patton at Thin Ice Studio as well.
And check out "SPACE AMD TIME, a cumulative creation with my Angel producer, Mario Gil and me, along with some wonderful players, including the late Annemarie Wiesner, violin virtuoso from Switzerland and Brooklyn, NY. It was originally recorded with the excellent engineer and now LA music attorney, Gail Perry at the board. There's a mystery lady there as well, playing bagpipes! Very cool.
"LOVE'S CALLING" was cowritten and recorded with my dear friend and early bandmate, Richard Viard on guitars and keys. This is a slight remastering of the son.g, I love it so much I wanted to feature it on this website. Enjoy!
There is also a video of me performing "WALK THRU FIRE," live with, get this, a didjeridoo player and two master guitarists. This videos is an early live version of the 9th song on my "HIGHWAY OF DREAMS" album. The song was originally recorded at Purple Mountain Studio with Rick Nichols at the board, and then remixed at Thin Ice Studio in North Andover, MA.
My new releases are happening (YEAH!) in the next bunch of months, beginning with THERE ARE NO STRANGERS, cowritten with the musically masterful Martin Sutton of The Songwriting Academy, which I have had the honor to attend for the past few years.
Happily, our release date was: MAY 16th, 2024! IT WAS RELEASED TO RAVE REVIEWS! Woo Woo!!!! The THERE ARE NO STRANGERS Video can be found at the top of my website in case you passed by in, so I hope you scroll back and enjoy!
Now that we are in 2025, I will be releasing my new EP of very new songs and will certainly be crowing about it on Social Media!!!
So, wishing you a very Happy 2025, no matter what! I wish you and yours joy, good health and peace of mind!
Please, keep checking in and subscribe for more news.
Thank you!
"It's not in the box!!! It's on the rack with Annie Lenox, Cyndi Lauper, Joss and Jennifer Marks, where it belongs. A great talent for many decades and still growing and creating."(Gordon Meltzer - Sir Miles Davis' last road & personal manager, on Ms. Ruby's Highway of Dreams album.)
"The Beginnings" of my website... my first "UPDATE", occurred during the "TIME OF COVID," an era we might want to forget. Yes, it was a terrible time, but a great many people dug in and became very creative. I was feeling a little nostalgic, the homey cocoon I had crawled into, and I hadn't posted much at all on my website for a long while. Now it is time to move forward and shine... think positive and sing about what I am grateful for.
So if you are interested in WHERE SHE AROSE FROM... Here we go!
HERSTORY: (The wayback machine bit... )
"Wooo Woo! I'm publishing this website at this time, 7:43 PM EDT, May 30th, 2020, with a lovely glass of Martinique rhum and a smile, along with the guidance of my brilliant and highly respected astrologer, Eric Linter. (Read his Daily Astrology Forecast Updates on Facebook EVERY DAY at around 5:00 PM EDT (EST) PM Boston Time, USA! He is so right on!)
Here we are in "The Present" again! I just did some time travel!
"STARMAN" ERIC LINTER hasn't missed a day posting his Daily Forecasts on Facebook between 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST in all these years. You can also find this Maestro Astrologer at: www.EricLinter.com! Check it out... always good to have an eye on one's goals. Informed planning is a good thing! Enjoy!
You will be hearing more from me soon... so keep in touch my lovelies. Oooh! This is fun! My best regards to you all! Let's stay healthy and remember to tell our Beloveds how much they mean to us. Life flies by really fast these days.
PAMELA RUBY RUSSELL -"The EXTENDED INTERVIEW" (By Matt Zin - November 9, 2020)
🌺This award-winning artist is about joy. Happily, she is releasing an EP of stellar new song this year.
Ms. Ruby's performed & recorded with her duo and bands, studied voice with Mark Baxter, as well as attended music training for piano, writing & acting. Pianist Keith Jarrett invited her to his seminar 'On Spontaneity’ decades ago where, as a beginning pianist studying jazz theory, she played for him. He told the group of 25 seminar attendees, "The least proficient player has just played the most profound music!" Honing her musical skills fed her other big love, the camera. Her first mentor was the NYC based photographer, Myron Ehrenberg. He taught her "how to see.." The seed of an artist grew as she sought honesty and truth in her pursuit of her medium.
🌺Honorary former President for 8 or so years of her town’s Local Community Media TV studio & former Vice Chair of a local Democratic Comm., in college she organized a Vietnam War protest in the 70s, was school photographer & exhibited her 'As The River Flows So Flows the Man,’ a photo exposé of Hudson River polluters. An actress as well, Pamela was active in college theater, acting in 'Chamber Music' as Pearl White, & Giraudoux’s 'The Madwoman of Chaillot,' quite appropriate for a wild woman with a film up her sleeves! She’s been in several successful films recently with speaking parts and is listed on IMDb.
🌺Riding an elephant in a Mexican circus, singing on the Temple of Quetzalcóatl at the Pyramids in Teotihuacán, Mexico at midnight, she wrote her 'Avenue of Tears’ song. Reading Tarot cards in a Mexican cafe she learned enough Spanish to write 'Tengo Razón.' Traveling, making new friends, cooking a meal, there’s always a camera of sorts on hand & notebooks near by. Her fine art photos & songs bring joy to her clients and fans.
🌺"We're not strangers. I truly believe there are no strangers... Creating healing art & beauty is my work. Life's short. We're not always dealt easy hands. It's the playing of tough cards with forgiveness, love & wisdom that moves us through time in profound, meaningful ways. What I've learned I share! That's why I sing!"
Thank you.
And check out Ms. Ruby's songs available at most online venues.
THERE ARE NO STRANGERS - Pamela's single
[©℗ PR Russell (ASCAP) &
M Sutton]
SPACE AND TIME (Remix on the way!)
[©℗ PR Russell (ASCAP) & M Gil]
[©℗ PR Russell (ASCAP) &
Richard Viard (SACEM)]
The 10 Song Album
[©℗ Pamela Ruby Russell (ASCAP)]
Do come back and read myBlog and listen to more of my songs when you want... You are always welcome. I would sincerely love to hear from you, so do subscribe and feel free to email me at the contact link at the bottom of this website!
...and remember, "There Are No Strangers!"
Thank you Dearies...